I’ve always been fascinated by a one-verse parable Jesus told to illustrate his value and worth to a believer. He likened the kingdom of God to treasure hidden in a field. Once we find the treasure and realize its infinite value, we do everything we can to buy the land in order to have the treasure.
The parable teaches that “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (Matthew 13:44) The emphasis in the story is on the determination of the treasure-finder to do everything within his power to get the treasure.
The kingdom of God is of such infinite value that once we discover it, it becomes the focus of our lives. The Christian knows that Jesus is the only person or thing that has any real value in the world and that this value is so incredibly high, that everything must be sacrificed for him.
In Philippians 3:8 Paul says, “For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” Paul casts aside everything – even good things – and considers them worthless, that he might gain the one person who has more worth and value than anything in the world.
There is no price too high to pay in order to know, serve and enjoy Jesus. The man in the parable sold everything he had to buy the land which held the treasure that would make him wealthy. He knew that what was inside the treasure box was valuable – very valuable. Likewise the Christian knows that Jesus is valuable – infinitely valuable. And because this treasure is worth so much, the believer is willing to pay any price to enjoy it.
But what is the currency? What does he have to give in order to have Jesus? In one sense, nothing. Salvation is a free gift of God’s grace. (Ephesians 2:8-9) But to grow in the faith and experience more of Jesus on a daily basis will cost a lot.
The currency isn’t really money, although a Christian will be willing to give sacrificially if that’s what God calls for. Actually - what God asks for is something more than money: he asks for the believer’s complete and unwavering commitment. To take hold of everything Jesus is and to know Him more fully will involve time, energy, patience, dying to self ~ and laser-like focus. It will involve a commitment to abiding in Him and drawing your life from him. It will involve a determination to find your joy and satisfaction in Jesus alone.
It will also mean enduring a lot of hardship and trouble. Writing in the first century, the Apostle Paul encouraged new converts with these words: “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22) There will be persecution, discouragement and maybe even a feeling of abandonment. A Christian will question himself and wonder if he is doing the right thing. And the longer he walks with the Lord, the harder the path becomes. Passing one test will lead to another test. Victory on one front is eclipsed by defeat on another. Satan never wearies of the battle. He never stops attacking.
But a Christian puts up with spiritual warfare and fights the good fight. He is in the battle every day - enduring hardship, defeat and discouragement as he cries out for more grace to walk closely with Jesus. In his heart the Christian knows that Jesus is worth the price. He puts up with everything in order to dive deeper into his relationship with the Lord.
Perseverance is the currency of Christian growth and closeness to Jesus.
And He is worth infinitely more than any earthly treasure!