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Living Before Him

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In Ephesians 1:4 we’re told that the Christian has been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world in order to be holy and blameless before God.  Ultimately the only thing that matters is how we live and how we appear before him. 


Those words “before him” are powerful.  All of life now – and throughout eternity – is to be lived before him.  In his presence.  Our primary orientation should never be toward the world or focused on its approval.  Our thoughts should not be directed toward gaining the favor of others.  Our energy should not be spent in seeking the approval of those who do not even know God.  All of our focus should be on God.  We live continually “before him.”


And it is a tremendous blessing to think that we have been saved so that we might one day appear before him as holy and blameless.


Our lives should never be performed before men, but rather in humble service to God.  Our prayers must not be directed toward others with a view to sounding spiritual, but rather with words addressed to God.  Few men truly pray in public.  They lecture, review, announce, teach, preach and perform – but seldom do they actually pray when in public.


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True prayer is solemn, sober and serious.  Just think:  you are talking to the Creator of the Universe who holds you in the palm of his hand.  He has absolute control over the world – and your life!  He is holy, perfect,  eternal, and all-knowing.  He cannot be fooled.   He cannot be trifled with.  He sees through every word, thought and deed that will ever come from you.  There should be a sense of fear, awe and reverence in every word we speak when praying to him.


Prayer is part of our humble acknowledgement that we are totally and completely dependent on him for everything.  Prayer is our dependence upon God as we seek his favor, blessing and help.  Prayer must be solely focused on and directed toward God.


We are always in his presence. 


What others think does not matter.  What God thinks matters to an infinite degree.  We need to live, breath, serve, pray, worship and work knowing that we are always standing before him. 






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